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When we get older it is inevitable to remember everything that made us laugh, cry, dream and... suffer. To understand the character on this website properly it is necessary to read this brief summary of his life firsteable.


Francisco Galindo Jr. is just another volunteer more in this planet.

Francisco Galindo Jr. is just another volunteer more in this planet.

In 1997, the indigenous prophecy of the 2 white eagles of Talking Turtle gave the sacred name to Francisco Galindo Jr. of "the White Eagle Man." And the prophecy of the 2 white eagles of Talking Turtle was finally fulfilled in 2024. 

Childhood and Death :
From 1967 to † 1977

The Boy who lived in Spain | Almeria :
From 1977 to 1997

The Iberian Man from Palencia :
From 1997 to 2017

The Iberian White Eagle from Navarre :
From 2017 to 2024


The White Eagle Man had already become a true white eagle..., after dying and having been condemned to spend rest of Eternity in Hell until to rescue and take his only one other white eagle brother to Heaven with him.

Francisco Galindo Jr. was born in the wrong place and at the wrong time. He is the eldest firstborn son of entrepreneurs family from Almeria who also were pioneers in design and construction of film sets and in the oil and coal industry after the Second World WarIn some way it could be said that Francisco Galindo Jr. is a free and vocational amateur astronomer thanks to the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft who was born as a genuine Hollywood's son also, to live being as an eternal railroad's friend.

This could have been a wonderful thing if Francisco Galindo Jr. had been born in the United States of America. But Francisco was born in Spain unfortunately. And also worst of all was being born in Almería, because that place is the real Pit of Hell...

Almería had abused movies film shoots, so the film industry was abandoning that land where it was no longer profitable to film new productions.

The Max Planck society wanted to install its first large Astronomical observatory in Namibia but had to settle for installing it in Almería, which was a place where Germany knew it would end up suffering problems with its first failed astronomical observatory.

The Francisco Franco dictatorship end in Spain had designed a cruel destiny for that impoverished Almería that, certeanly had taken advantage of film shootings, but whose economy would grow so brutally when it was converted into the great multidisciplinary laboratory from Southern Europe that it would ended up killing hundreds of innocents victims while it was destroying whole families.

The Francisco Galindo Jr. tragedy was the natural consequence of that context of transition between an explicit dictatorship and a failed state that would end up formally disguising Fascism as an authentic "Democracy" during a terrifying extension of another more than 40 years that would end up revealing the truth of a silent genocide, hidden in Spain and finally known during the Human Righsts and the SDGs new age.


Youth is that suicidal force that drives us to search for love leading us until to death. "Amor Omnia Vincit" means “Love can reach everithing.” It is inspired by Virgil's famous topic “Omnia Vincit Amor”, located in Eclogue 10 of the Bucolics.

Throughout Francisco Galindo Jr.'s existence love could not achieve anything. Tragedy and suffering caused by love left a painful legacy of death and destruction. But loving was not bad, because Francisco Galindo Jr. learned the evil of human being was the only guilty who had exterminated his own family while destroyed his whole life.

For this reason, the human being is not a child of the stars, but rather just debris of dead stars. But all human beings are called to become children of the stars again while learning to stop being just stellar debris.

We are just life forms called to this adventure despite the fact that only one of us will be the worthy creator to fertilize a new creation. For this reason Francisco Galindo Jr. human tragedy truly is a deep success for a genuine truly creator that is made by hope.


Isabel ( 2008 ) is the name of Francisco Galindo Jr. ex-wife and his last romantic relationship in life.

Isabel ( 2008 ) is the name of Francisco Galindo Jr. ex-wife and his last romantic relationship in life.

Francisco Galindo Jr. was always a sentimental dreamer.

Throughout his life there were 4 romantic relationships that all ended tragically. But only the last one of these 4 great women ended turning into the great love of his whole life.

That wonderful and temperamental woman - who fell in love with Francisco's soul forever - was a prestigious seamstress linked to haute couture that used to work in that times for world royalty.

Her name was ISABEL ( from November 2007 to May 2017 ).

Isabel was a separated woman who suffered a lot by agreeing to share Francisco's tragedy to help her 2 children, until she also ended up falling in love with him. But tragedy separated them forever before eviction from their home during the 2017 spring.

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